
Saturday, July 16, 2011

Today we had a FAMILY FUN DAY!!! We took the kids to see CARS 2. It is always fun to take the kids to the movies, especially right now since it is so hot outside. After the movie we walked around the mall, ate lunch, and took the kids to Build A Bear Workshop. Emma has been wanting to go there for awhile and Justin wanted to take her so today was the day. I took a few pictures of our Build A Bear experience, some of my pictures are a bit blurry because the kids were really excited.

Emma and Logan getting ready to stuff their bears.
Stepping on the petal to stuff his bear.
Emma stuffing her bear.
Excited to put the heart in the bear.
Emma putting her heart in her bear.
Logan putting his heart in his bear.
Washing their bears after they have been stuffed.

Emma with her Princess Aurora teddy bear!
Logan with his Darth Vader teddy bear, so excited he kept holding it in front of his face!
Thanks Daddy our fun teddy bears, we LOVE them!

Monday, July 11, 2011

...school supplies...

Today we went shopping for school supplies for Emma. I have to admit that I am a little overwhelmed with the idea of Emma and kindergarten. Yes I knew that this day would come, eventually, but know that we are starting to make preparations Emma is getting more and more excited, while I secretly dry my eyes. Her actual first day of school isn't until August 8th, but I feel like it is just around the corner. It is going to be tough! I am looking forward to some Mama/Logan time, but I know he will miss her just as much as I will. Wow, ok I need to stop talking about it because I am already getting choked up. So above is a little picture of some of Emma's school supplies as well as a few supplies for the upcoming preschool year. Wowzer!!!

All Star FanFest!

The Baseball All-Star Game is being held in Arizona for the first time and with the All Star game comes the All Star FanFest which is a large event full of games, baseball cards, posters, balls, shirts, really anything and everything a baseball fan would like. Papa Maley had tickets so we took the kids. Now we aren't super big baseball fans, but it was neat to go to mainly because it was something that won't happen again in for a while (or so I was told, haha). Below are some pictures of the kids having fun!

Emma enjoying her sweet treat!
Logan just hanging around.
Right on the mark!!! Way to go Emma.
Logan slugging away!

Emma slugging away!

Wednesday, July 6, 2011

Happy 4th of July!

Mormon Lake - Camping 4th of JULY!
This past 4th of July we decided to leave the heat (116 degrees) and head up north to camp and enjoy the cooler weather (75 degrees). We had so much fun camping near Mormon Lake. We hiked, fished, watched a 4th of July parade, and most importantly RELAXED!

Collecting pine cones.
Anything can be made into a gun...
Daddy and Logan on a nature walk.
One of the our beautiful hiking sights.

Here's our camp!
In town at the Mormon Lake Lodge...kiddos got a special treat at the general store.

Waiting for the parade.

Some of the sights at the parade. It was a very impressive parade for such a small town!

Justin even got a beer from one of the parade participants! My All American Man!
We spent one afternoon just blowing bubbles...so fun!

I love my babies!!!
Mr. Serious.
Justin took this on one of our nature walks.
Being silly.
We went for a drive around Mormon Lake one day and stopped at one of the look outs. Justin took this picture when we stopped. The clouds were so unbelievable!

Fishing at Mormon Lake Lodge. Logan didn't catch anything but managed to slip and get his foot wet. Emma caught a crawdad, haha.

We had a great 4th of JULY!!!