
Wednesday, January 18, 2012

A New Beginning

I wish I could say that Emma's kindergarten year has been seamless and wonderful, but that has not been the case. Right before Christmas vacation we found out that Emma's teacher Mrs. Holck would not be returning. We were shocked! Emma's teacher was pregnant and from what she had been telling us was planning on returning after she had her baby. When we heard that she wouldn't been returning many rumors started to spread and we still don't know the exact truth, but Centennial brought in a new teacher. Her name is Ms. Tanner and is super sweet. This is her first class and just recently graduated from ASU. Ms. Tanner completely redecorated the classroom in a jungle theme that all the kiddos love! Last night we went to ANOTHER Meet the Teacher Night. Emma was super excited to show me where she sits and all the fun things they are doing now. I am excited for her and the new environment that she is in. I hope to post more fun things that she does the rest of this year!

Emma and George the Class Cuddle buddy!

Emma proudly showing me her journal!


Princess Millie, or just Millie. She is a 11 week old Bichon- Miniature Poo mix. Yes we are crazy people who bought a dog the day we got back from Wichita, Kansas (pictures of that to come). We have been thinking a while about getting another dog. I found the Bichon breed and liked them because they don't shed and are suppose to be good if you have allergies which Emma and Justin both have. Plus Bichon's are a good little dog if you have kids. Since she is a poodle mix the vet said she will learn quickly, I hope he is right. She is the smallest little thing weighing in at a whopping 2 pounds!!!! She loves to play, snuggle in her little bed, and cuddle. She is doing pretty good with potty training, I have been watching her like a hawk! The kids are getting used to her and her little bark. We just think she is the cutest thing!

Friday, January 6, 2012

What did the New Year bring?

With the new year came another loose tooth. Emma lost her second tooth a couple nights ago. For the second time her adult tooth has pushed her baby tooth out. It is so funny when she looses her tooth because she practically has another tooth in it's place, she doesn't have that vacancy like most kiddos do. She did a great job letting Daddy take it out of her mouth this time. The next morning she woke up to 4 quarters from the tooth fairy! Last tooth she got 2 quarters and a tooth brush, this time the tooth fairy paid more!

Emma holding her tooth.
Daddy using dental floss to help take the loose tooth out.
Our toothless girl!