Baby Rylie, Baby Aiden, Baby Noah

My cousin's Lindsey, Kayla, and Ashley gave birth to these little peanuts within days of each other. Rylie is Lindsey's little girl, Aiden is Kayla's baby boy, and Noah is Ashley's little girl. This week the kiddos and I got to hang out with my cousins and play with their sweet babies. It is amazing that my three younger cousins are now moms! They are all such amazing women, but to see them as moms it's incredible. The best part is that they are able to embark on this new journey of motherhood together.
Logan "holding" baby Aiden. My cousin Ashley assisting.

Emma holding baby Aiden...Aiden was such a good sport!

Arizona Grandbabies!!!

Logan, Rylie, Aiden, Noah, and Emma.

To Ashley, Kayla, and Lindsey:
I just want to congratulate you girls again. I'm so excited for you all! Being a mom is the most rewarding and challenging job you will ever have. Remember to cherish ever moment with your little ones, even the spit up no sleep moments because time goes bye so fast.
I love you all! ~Sally
emma lets get younaked then I can show you where he came from