What an amazing gift it is to be a mother. I love every aspect of it and everyday I have a new appreciation for my mother and also for my kiddos. This Mother's Day weekend Justin asked me what I would like to do so of course I wanted to go camping. We camped in Cottonwoood and below are pictures of our weekend. I hope you enjoy them as much as I enjoyed the weekend.
Logan and Buzz @ the campsite.

Emma with Mommy's shades on.

Backpacking at The Tuzigoot National Monument.

Emma and Daddy @ The Tuzigoot National Monument.

Looking down from the top of Tuzigoot.

Emma @ the top of Tuzigoot. Logan was in the backpack during this time.

At the bottom of Tuzigoot looking up.

Justin @ the campsite. Smile Babe!

It was pretty warm so we brought out the swimming pool for the kiddos. They had fun splashing around and staying cool.

Flying Logan's Buzz and Woody Kite. The weather was perfect all weekend for kite flying.

Logan and Daddy flying Logan's kite.

Logan looking at his reflection in the front of our truck. I just thought this was so cute!

Campfire Fun and Smores!

A BIG thank you to my wonderful husband and my two adorable kiddos. I love you all more than you can imagine. Thank you for making my Mother's Day Weekend so SPECIAL!!! I LOVE YOU!!!!