CHRISTMAS... it is a word that I wasn't able to use when I taught in the public setting. We were always told to use words like Holiday or Winter, but never CHRISTMAS. How lucky I was this year to be able to not only use this word, but to celebrate with my preschoolers the birth of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ at Sweet Beginnings. The kids performed songs for their parents, created edible christmas trees, opened presents, and played in community with each other. Sweet Beginnings has been a huge challenge for me mentally, but also spiritually. I have found myself praying before starting my school day, asking for God's gental hand and patience in all that I do. As we celebrated at school I felt God's presence in all the encouraging words, laughs from the kiddos, cheers and applauses, happy faces, and big warm hugs. I am lucky to have these childrens 2 days a week and I am lucky to have these parents as partners in their childrens education. Thanks to all for making it a great 1st half of the year, bring on 2010!
Sunday, December 27, 2009
Thursday, December 10, 2009
As Christmas time rolls around I can't help but be thankful for my life and most of all for my FAMILY. Now I know that this may sound like the typical Christmas time thankful speech, but here it goes anyway.
This year I realized just how lucky I am to have such a supportive husband. About March of this year I (out of the blue) told him that I would like to start a preschool in our home. This was the first time that I had even thought about this, but something in me was longing for a bit more. I was looking for a way to use my teaching talents and with Emma getting to preschool age I believed that it was God's way of telling me that this is what I should be doing right now. So here I was pitching this idea of a preschool to my loving husband and of course he helped me way all the pros and cons, but in the end he supported my decision. It is funny because if the situation had been turned around I'm not sure what my reaction would have been, but this is just one of the many reasons I am so lucky. Justin understands me in ways that many don't, he knows that I get hair brained ideas and that I feel a sense of urgency to fulfill those ideas. His loving support means the world to me and for that and everything else he does for me and the kids I will love and thank him forever. little boy is unlike any other. He's kind and loving, cuddly and warm, he has one of the deepest voices for a 22 month old toddler, and most of the time he is a goof ball. Logan is my cuddle buddy in the mornings, my man of many different sounds effects, he is my constant cheerleader in his own way, and seems to amaze me everyday with something new. He keeps life exciting and is a prime example of the phrase "all boy". I am so thankful the smiles he gives me throughout the day and the hugs as well, the bedtime stories he loves to read, and the drum solos played on everything that we have. sweet little girl. She's a girly girl to the core, she loves lipgloss and dress up, and anything that has to do with princesses. She is my shopping buddy and talking buddy, my constant companion. She's kind and courteous and tries to be a good friend to all her buddies. She is one of the best sisters, she always has words of encouragement for Logan along with sweet hugs and kisses. I am thankful for her in so many ways, she constantly challenges me to be a positive women, one that she can be proud of. I'm thankful for her beautiful smiles, her questions, her singing and story telling excitement.

Monday, November 16, 2009
Fall and Halloween Fun!
Fall is so much fun each year. We always plan a trip to Schneph Farms to ride some rides and of course to get pumpkin patch pictures. Below are a few lovely pictures that Justin took of the kiddos this fall as well as Halloween pictures.

Saturday, November 14, 2009
My Photographer Husband
As many of you know my husband has been developing a love for photography for a few years now. As time has passed his talent has developed and it is easy for me to see that photography for him has changed from being a hobby to a passion. He primarily loves to take landscape shots, but is equally talented at taking beautiful portaits. The picture that is behind the title of our blog is just one of the many pretty pictures that he has captured. I just wanted to share some of the pictures that he took for my cousin's wedding. I hope that you enjoy them as much as I have!

Friday, November 13, 2009
Welcome To The Blog World
Well folks it looks like the Chase Family, Sally, Justin, Emma, and Logan have joined the blogging world. This is a new adventure for me, but I thought it might be a fun way to stay in touch with family and friends. I canceled our other picture website, because it was taking to long to update each time. Hopefully now I will be able to update everyone on our life and adventures easier and faster. So welcome to our blog everyone and I can't wait to add more later....
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